martes, 31 de mayo de 2016


"Full maturity is achieved by realizing that you have 

choices to make."  Angela Barron McBride

At the beginning, Telemachos is a lonely young man who considers himself unlucky because he grew up without his father. He lives in sorrow because his house is full of men who are spending his father's wealth and praying to share his mother's bed. Because he is young and inexperienced, he believes there is nothing he can do to change this situation. Instead of taking action, he spends his time wishing his father would come home and throw the intruders off his property. Although I feel a little sorry for him, I would also like to grab him by the arms, shake him, and tell him that he will never get anywhere if he just sits there lamenting his fate. 

Fortunately, the day comes when he realizes (with a little help from the goddess Athena) that he has to start making choices. I believe this is his first step towards maturity. For the first time in his life, he assumes the role of the man of the house. He gains confidence in himself and he becomes proactive. I can see this, first of all, in the way he addressed his mother, who "notices how sensibly her son has spoken." In my opinion, the ability to speak sensibly is one of the factors that determine how mature a person is. Next, he gathers up the courage to tell his mother's suitors to leave his house. Not being afraid to stand up for your rights is also a sign of maturity. Finally, he decides to go on a journey to find out where his father is or what has happened to him. By taking control of his life and his future, Telemachos shows us that he is determined to leave his childhood behind. 

2 comentarios:

  1. Excellent! This is what I want. Congrats.

  2. Hi Ana! Found your blog, finally got time to do it! I really like the writing, never got around to actually read this story but it has always intrigued me, so I´ll learn it by your effort hehe, and also it's cool that you used blogger aswell that way I can leave comments! put a link to your page in mine...
